VE9KK via Admin
2022-03-13 21:22:51 UTC
VE9KK Blog
Lets get a healthy debate going shall we.....
Posted: 13 Mar 2022 11:12 AM PDT
Everyone is aware of what is going on in Ukraine with the Russian invasion.
Each day we hear of new sanctions and boycotts regarding Russia. In Amateur
radio circles I have heard opinions from both sides regarding contacting
Russian stations or not. The RSGB has made it very clear that they will not
accept Russian or Belarus entrants in any RSGB contest. At this point in
time, I don't believe the ARRL or RAC has made any statements regarding
Russian amateurs?
Here is my question, coming up next weekend is a very popular Russian
contest for both CW and SSB the Russian DX contest. In the past, I have
seen lots of participation on the bands regarding this contest and it has a
very good turn out of Russian hams. Are you going to take part this year or
boycott it? I have read both sides on this one, how ham radio and politics
should be separate. Or ham ops also need to boycott as well to send a
consistent message to Russia. This is the first time as a ham that I have
run across this issue does participating in the contest show support for
what Russia is doing or does it show we support Russian hams by
participating and allowing world events to remain a separate issue? What
are your thoughts on the RSGB banning Russia and Belarus? Are you going to
take part in the upcoming contest and if you are not a contest fan are you
still contacting hams from Russia or Belarus? Should the ARRL or RAC come
up with a position either way? Finally, I would ask those who do comment
to keep it polite and realize we all have an opinion that we may not agree
with. I also will delete any inappropriate comments. I always think a good
healthy debate is a good thing.
Lets get a healthy debate going shall we.....
Posted: 13 Mar 2022 11:12 AM PDT
Everyone is aware of what is going on in Ukraine with the Russian invasion.
Each day we hear of new sanctions and boycotts regarding Russia. In Amateur
radio circles I have heard opinions from both sides regarding contacting
Russian stations or not. The RSGB has made it very clear that they will not
accept Russian or Belarus entrants in any RSGB contest. At this point in
time, I don't believe the ARRL or RAC has made any statements regarding
Russian amateurs?
Here is my question, coming up next weekend is a very popular Russian
contest for both CW and SSB the Russian DX contest. In the past, I have
seen lots of participation on the bands regarding this contest and it has a
very good turn out of Russian hams. Are you going to take part this year or
boycott it? I have read both sides on this one, how ham radio and politics
should be separate. Or ham ops also need to boycott as well to send a
consistent message to Russia. This is the first time as a ham that I have
run across this issue does participating in the contest show support for
what Russia is doing or does it show we support Russian hams by
participating and allowing world events to remain a separate issue? What
are your thoughts on the RSGB banning Russia and Belarus? Are you going to
take part in the upcoming contest and if you are not a contest fan are you
still contacting hams from Russia or Belarus? Should the ARRL or RAC come
up with a position either way? Finally, I would ask those who do comment
to keep it polite and realize we all have an opinion that we may not agree
with. I also will delete any inappropriate comments. I always think a good
healthy debate is a good thing.